
Stand and fight ‘evil trinity of racism, classism and sexism’

3/31/2017, 5:41 p.m.

We must boldly declare and decree throughout the entire landscape of America that “Black Lives Matter” in this forward fight against the clear and present evil of overt and covert racism.

A white supremacist, James Harris Jackson of Baltimore, who went to New York City for the sole purpose of murdering black men with an 18-inch sword, actually believed he would get a rush by murdering a young black man.

Instead, Mr. Jackson was left in an deeply evil daze after realizing he murdered an older black man, 66-year-old Timothy Caughman, an autograph collector and can collector.

Silence means consent. Now is the time for a broad Christ-centered coalition to stand up and fight the forward fight against the evil trinity of blatant racism, classism and sexism to prevent America from totally losing her soul and becoming “AmeriKKKa” in this Trump era, which has so sadly fueled this type of hatred and racism.


Roosevelt, N.Y.

The writer is senior pastor of Mount Sinai Baptist Church Cathedral in Roosevelt, N.Y.