Making benches at GRTC bus stops an issue would get results
Letters to the editor
6/21/2019, 6 a.m.

Re Letters to the editor, “All GRTC bus stops need benches,” Free Press, June 6-8 edition:
Ernest Parker Jr. is absolutely right that every GRTC bus stop should have a bench. Stops should have a shelter as well. Human dignity demands it.
But Mr. Parker focuses his frustration in the wrong place. GRTC has a limited amount of money allocated for “amenities” at bus stops. It can decide where to put its handful of new benches and shelters, but it doesn’t decide how many to install. That’s based on its funding, which each locality decides.
Governments spend tens of millions of dollars on road construction. The least they can do is install some benches at bus stops.
So if you want better bus stops, call your local elected official and ask for more money for bus stops — and bus routes while you’re at it. I guarantee GRTC would be overjoyed.
And remember: Boards of Supervisors members in Chesterfield and Henrico counties are all up for election this November. And Richmond City Council is up for election in 2020. If everyone reading this made benches at bus stops an issue, we could fix it.