
Liberate Washington!

10/22/2020, 6 p.m.
During the era of World War II, there was bipartisan agreement in America on one simple, unavoidable, indisput- able fact ...

During the era of World War II, there was bipartisan agreement in America on one simple, unavoidable, indisputable fact — the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.

But in 2020, just like in 2016, President Trump and his “fly guy,” Vice President Mike Pence, openly welcome neo-Nazi support. In fact, the president unapologetically insists neo-Nazis and white supremacists are “very fine people” who should “stand back and stand by.”

Stand by for what? To be arrested?

President Trump has even publicly demanded “that woman,” Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, turn over control of the state of Michigan to racist, right wing, pro-Trump terrorists who, at the president’s beckoning, were illegally attempting to “liberate Michigan” by kidnapping and assassinating Gov. Whimer, a probable future president.

And all the while President Trump is threatening to steal another presidential election by using the neo-Nazi Proud Boys, the new-Confederate Boogaloo Boys and the Michigan militia morons as his own personal Gestapo goon squad.

Too bad for President Trump and his insurrectionists, but once state and federal law enforcement agencies are through with these fascists, they might as well start calling themselves “The Rent Boys” upon their arrival at prison.

Liberate Washington! Liberate the U.S. Senate and White House from Republican/ Russian control.

Do not stand back! Do not stand by! Vote for Biden-Harris on Nov. 3 — or before. Just do it.


Arcata, Calif.