
RPS will reopen with mask requirement

7/29/2021, 6 p.m.
Richmond Public Schools will reopen Sept. 8 under the inescapable cloud of the COVID-19 delta variant, with officials announcing that ...
Mr. Kamras

Richmond Public Schools will reopen Sept. 8 under the inescapable cloud of the COVID-19 delta variant, with officials announcing that students, teachers and staff will be required to wear masks in schools and on buses regardless of their vaccination status.

Superintendent Jason Kamras stated in his daily RPS Direct, “We (RPS) will be maintaining our 100% mask-wearing policy for all students, staff and visitors. We feel this is the safest course of action, particularly with the surging delta variant.”

Mr. Kamras also said getting vaccinated helps to ensure face-to-face learning can continue. Right now, there is no vaccine available for children under 12, another factor contributing to the district’s decision to mask up.

The RPS Direct message also strongly encouraged everyone 12 or older to get vaccinated right away if they haven’t already done so. Nearly all new infections of the coronavirus are occurring in unvac- cinated individuals, according to state health officials.

The state Department of Education announced last week that mask policy decision will be left to local school divisions to decide based on data, local conditions and guidelines from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC announced this week that students in kindergarten through 12th grade, teachers and staff should wear a mask indoors, regardless of their vaccination status.

On Tuesday, Henrico County Public Schools officials announced that face coverings will be optional in the fall. They also recommend that middle and high schools require unvaccinated students and staff to wear masks indoors.

In Chesterfield County, public school officials said they will continue to review federal, state and local guidance in anticipation of their next School Board meeting on Aug. 10.

Hanover County schools also are reviewing the CDC guidance and monitoring data.