
Back to school

8/24/2023, 6 p.m.
Richmond area students are back in the classroom, a new experience for those of us who are used to public ...

Richmond area students are back in the classroom, a new experience for those of us who are used to public schools starting after labor Day.

We are excited about this fresh educational start and wish each student well.

And we especially applaud the local businesses, churches, charities and efforts led by City hall to provide every student the resources and supplies necessary to start the new school year.

Our hope is that our children and youths will seize this opportunity to learn all they can to prepare themselves for future success.

Learning loss can be made up, but it takes a willingness on the part of the learner to accept the challenge of filling in the knowledge gaps.

Teachers can lead students to the pool of knowledge, but no one can force them to drink. Our children must do that on their own.

While that is not always easy, there is no reason to make excuses for failing to do so. A recent social media post celebrated a homeless Black youth who lived in a tent for two years and by dint of effort became the valedictorian of his high school class. He made a way out of no way with pluck and determination. Too often such positive stories are overlooked by negative reporting.

We know that our young people are capable and have the energy and vigor to achieve. We call on them to commit themselves to learning, not for the grades, but for the challenges that will await them all too soon as adults.

If not now, when?