

SUMMER FUN- Friends happily play a three-way version of the hand game “Hesitation” in Abner Clay Park in Jackson Ward. They are, from left, Tonye Fox, 11; Lucy Stancell, 10; and Kyndal Caleb, 5. In the game, one person rests hands palms down atop the upturned palms of another. The person whose hands are on top quickly tries to move their hands before they are slapped by the person whose hands are on the bottom.

SUMMER FUN- Friends happily play a three-way version of the hand game “Hesitation” in Abner Clay Park in Jackson Ward. They are, from left, Tonye Fox, 11; Lucy Stancell, 10; and Kyndal Caleb, 5. In the game, one person rests hands palms down atop the upturned palms of another. The person whose hands are on top quickly tries to move their hands before they are slapped by the person whose hands are on the bottom.