
Morrissey wedding coverage gets thumbs up, down

6/24/2016, 10:35 a.m.

Re “Meet the Morrisseys,” June 16-18 edition:

I can’t tell you how happy I was to see and read the coverage of Joe Morrissey’s wedding! His wife looked gorgeous and they seemed so very, very happy.

I wish them and their children a lifetime of joy.




Each week I look forward to reading the Richmond Free Press’ unique feature stories. But last week’s puff piece on Joe Morrissey’s wedding was very disappointing.

I believe in redemption and will not relate the details in this limited space, but his long public history reveals a very flawed character.

Regarding the mayoralty of the City of Richmond, and that’s what current newspaper exposure is all about, Mr. Morrissey does not meet the ethical threshold to manage such daunting responsibilities or be the role model this city needs. His candidacy is an insult to Richmond’s citizens and should not be encouraged.

