
What goes around, comes around

7/26/2019, 6 a.m.
Demographically, white folks comprise about 16 percent of the global population. Can you imagine their sum-total consternation if the other ...

Demographically, white folks comprise about 16 percent of the global population. Can you imagine their sum-total consternation if the other 84 percent, mostly folks of color, suddenly took up the chant, “Go back to where you came from”?

President Trump’s contrived racist rhetoric brings to mind an observation Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop made some years ago about “race” itself, to wit: “If the African anthropologist made a point of examining European races under a magnifying glass, he would be able to multiply them ad finitum by grouping physiognomies into races and sub-races as artificially as his European counterpart does … He would, in turn, succeed in dissolving collective European reality into a fog of insignificant facts.”

Considering the demographics mentioned, it seems to me that folks in that 16 percent category should be more concerned about how the great masses of people on this planet view and accept them!

