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Natural gas price down again in city

Natural gas customers in Richmond are enjoying another plunge in the price of the fuel they use to heat their homes, cook and generate hot water. For the third time in eight months, the city is passing along savings to residents for the price it is paying to buy and bring the fuel to Richmond.

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Richmond to lower natural gas prices

A yearlong sag in the wholesale price of natural gas will finally show up on the bills of residential and business customers in Richmond.

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City natural gas price going down

Richmond residents who cook and heat with natural gas will get a price break on its cost next month because of a sharp jump in production.

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Front porch portraits: Life in the time of the coronavirus

The rise of COVID-19 has been isolating , over- whelming and quite devastating globally. Orders …

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Richmond Jazz Festival 2014

Musical joy filled the fifth edition of the Richmond Jazz Festival. The entertainment spectacular Saturday …

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Reclaimed, Removed and Reshaped

Monument Avenue was reshaped in ways big and small last week, with the removal of …


Download Full Carver Elementary VDOE 34-page Report Here

As a result of the concerns shared by the RPS Superintendent, VDOE staff initiated a review of previous SOL test results from George Washington Carver Elementary School. VDOE staff noted that pass rates at George Washington Carver Elementary School over the past several years had been high but had declined from 2015-2016 to the 2016-2017 school year. As a result of the information gathered by VDOE and RPS staff through June 1, 2018, the on-site SOL test administration audit transitioned to an SOL test irregularity investigation led by VDOE staff at the request of RPS. This report outlines details from the investigation, conclusions, and the future actions to be taken.

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Photos from February 17-19, 2022 edition

Mike Spence of Team Henry Enterprises takes measurements of a box encased in stone discovered …

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