
Study all the candidates

11/13/2015, 5:15 p.m.

Not too far off from these so-called presidential debates will be the Republican and Democratic parties’ nominating conventions.

Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson lead the Republican candidates, according to most polls. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders lead the Democrats, according to the polls.

Who are these people vying for your vote and mine?

While I am not a political expert, the way I see it, those voting for Mr. Trump or Dr. Carson will be the direct cause for sane, fair-minded, intelligent voters to put Mrs. Clinton in the White House.

If by some stroke of luck Mr. Trump wins the race to the White House, we will be at war with somebody within his first term of office. He is a businessman — not a politician — who hates everybody that does not agree with him. With Mr. Trump at the helm of this nation, we will have no allies and many more enemies than we have now.

Dr. Carson is no better. His stand on cops versus the bad guys really scares me and others. Foot-in-mouth disease is his real problem.

Mrs. Clinton has a lot of issues she needs to clear up and questions that need answers.

The only candidate that does not sound like a politician is Sen. Sanders. He attacks the heart of subjects brought forth. I have to wonder, though, if at his age he is really up to the stressful job of running this country.

For now, I am studying all the candidates. With Election Day on the horizon, we will have to choose who we feel will do the best job for all of the people, not just some of the people.

