Sign’s messages inspire passers-by
Joey Matthews | 1/1/2016, 9:48 a.m.

Motorists slow down and often do double takes as they drive by Chicago Avenue Baptist Church on South Side.
The reason: The church at 2331 Broad Rock Blvd., led by Dr. Marlon Haskell, features lots of creative, eye-catching messages on its sign display.
The most recent holiday message read: Without Christ Christmas Is Just A Hollow Day.
During the summer, a message read, “Exposure to the Son may prevent burning.”
Another: God answers knee-mail.
The messages are important “because so many people pass by that strip, and that may be the only inspiration they get that day,” said Brenda Berry, leader of the church’s Media Ministry that oversees the messages.
The church’s sign is a powerful example of what houses of worship throughout Richmond and surrounding communities use outside of the pulpit to uplift and inspire others.
“Even if people are down, we put those messages up there to let them know that with God, everything is possible,” explained Ms. Berry, a letter carrier with the U.S. Postal Service for 27 years.
Her sister, Rosalind Wingo, and Latasha Parry assist her in the Media Ministry.
Ms. Berry said she got involved in the Media Ministry about 10 years ago when illness sidelined the person assigned to the job. Ms. Berry has been heading up the ministry for about eight years now.
She said she often receives comments from people in the community about how the signage messages have touched them. Some of her colleagues at the postal branch at 2101 Hopkins Road “would talk about seeing the messages and how they liked them, and they didn’t know I was the one helping put them up,” Ms. Berry said.
“And the men who come by the church and pick up the garbage said they like reading the messages,” she added.
The 54-year-old gets her inspiration for the messages by going online or from books purchased at Christian bookstores. She said she’s inspired by the faith messages as well.
“I just love reading the sayings myself,” she said. “When I read them, I can relate to what they’re saying. They inspire me and bring satisfaction to me.”
Ms. Berry said she likes to change the signs every other week to keep the messages fresh. The ministry members look for sayings relevant to the season or time of year.
She said Dr. Haskell used to review the messages before she posted them, but he now trusts her to choose appropriate ones.
She said he only asks that she not post anything related to Satan, so as “not to give him any glory.”
Ms. Berry cited some of her other favorite messages that have been posted outside the church:
• God wants full custody, not weekend visitation.
• One Easter message: 1 cross plus 3 nails = 4 given.
Come Sunday, Jan. 3, the message will be changed to, “All Things New in Christ Happy New Year!!!”