
‘Our anthem is tinged by a troubled history’

7/15/2016, 10:22 a.m.

On July Fourth, I rose, removed my hat and placed my hand over my heart as the band played the national anthem in Dogwood Dell at the beginning of the annual patriotic celebration.

A mere six days later, I found myself back in Dogwood Dell for a gospel music celebration. But before the national anthem was observed, we were given “the talk” — what an African-American citizen of this country needs to be aware of if stopped by law enforcement.

This is a perfect reflection of the schizophrenic existence of the African-American in America. Our national anthem must come punctuated with an asterisk because our “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” is shackled with limits and manacled in prejudice.

A mirror is being held up to America, not only with the current protests, unrest and murders, but the total and complete unawareness of white America of what occurs on the other side of the tracks. Or it could be complete apathy on the part of white America as they rush to build walls and close the borders.

The Bible says, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” As long as African-Americans teeter-totter as fully enfranchised citizens of this nation, America will never be what it should be. Our anthem is tinged by a troubled history and currently darkened by civil unrest and a crisis of our collective conscience.

