
National nightmare

5/6/2016, 6:50 p.m.

On Tuesday night, the Republicans’ worst nightmare became the entire nation’s problem.

That horror show, of course, is billionaire Donald Trump’s victory in the Indiana GOP primary. He is assured of being the Republicans’ nominee for president in November.

The Trump win led Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas to bow out of the race Tuesday night, followed Wednesday by Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

Unless a miracle happens before or during the GOP National Convention on July 18 in Cleveland, Republicans will be stuck with a racist, misogynistic, crude bully — who is big on mouth but short on knowledge and details about running a country.

Perhaps sectors of the GOP are missing from The Almighty’s favored list. We understand that a sizeable Republican contingent fasted Monday and Tuesday to beseech divine intervention for Sen. Cruz to win Indiana and stall Mr. Trump’s hopes for being crowned the nominee.

Alas, that didn’t happen.

And now Mr. Trump almost assuredly will be thrust upon the nation’s voters — in a contest with the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton?

All we can say is: Game on.