
Performance review team to examine city operations

Jeremy M. Lazarus | 2/23/2017, 9:25 p.m.
Mayor Levar M. Stoney came into office promising to undertake a comprehensive performance review of City Hall departments with the …

Mayor Levar M. Stoney came into office promising to undertake a comprehensive performance review of City Hall departments with the goal of improving accountability, efficiency and the delivery of services.

This week, he told city residents he was moving to keep his promise to complete that review by the end of March, when he will complete his first 100 days in office.

In a statement Tuesday, he announced the launch of the review with the aid of Virginia Commonwealth University, private citizens and contributions of $50,000 apiece from two major corporations, Altria and Dominion Resources.

The city also is to contribute $50,000 to pay for the review, while VCU has agreed to provide services worth $50,000 for the project, the administration disclosed.

Mayor Stoney stated that the review would be conducted in partnership with two elements of the VCU Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs — the Performance Management Group and the Center for Urban and Regional Analysis.

Both the performance group and the center have consulted for other governmental organizations seeking to transform workplace culture, upgrade work flow and renew their employees’ commitment to customer and public service — the very things the mayor is seeking to improve at City Hall.

Dr. James M. Burke, director of the Performance Management Group, will lead the review team, the mayor stated.

“I am excited by the commitment of the city’s leadership to improving city operations and services and delighted to participate,” Dr. Burke stated.

The work plan calls for the team of City Hall outsiders that Dr. Burke will lead to review previous city performance audits, conduct interviews with city employees and then offer recommendations for change.

In a follow-up response to a Free Press query, Jim Nolan, the mayor’s press secretary, stated that the goal “is to complete the review in the first 100 days, with analysis and recommendations to follow.”

He added that the timetable for “implementation would depend on the specific recommendations, but where we can act swiftly to make positive change, we will do so without hesitation.”

Members of the review team are to include Dr. John Accordino and Greg Wingfield of VCU’s Wilder School; Robert Dortch of the Robins Foundation; Dr. Bill Murray of Dominion Resources and Iris Holiday, former director of corporate philanthropy for Dominion Resources, the mayor stated.

Other participants are Jim Kresge and George Ruzek from Capital One; Andrea Archer, Teri Miles, Charlie Agee and Michael Walton from Altria; Casey Lucier of McGuireWoods law firm; Joe Dziedzic, former chief financial officer for Brink’s; Teresa Caviness, president of Zenyo Inc., an advertising and marketing firm; and Brian Jackson, chairman of Venture Richmond and a partner with the Hirschler Fleischer law firm.