
Don’t wait for Petersburg, Hanover to change Confederate school names

1/26/2018, 1:59 p.m.

Re “Petersburg School Board to hold sessions on renaming Confederate schools,” Free Press Jan. 4-6 edition:

Why hasn’t the city of Richmond changed the names of schools named for Confederates?

African-Americans have been in control of the city government for decades. Why should black students have to suffer this indignity?

Don’t wait for Petersburg and Hanover County to lead in this endeavor. Hanover County is full of right wing, redneck Confederate sympathizers.

When will the major thoroughfare named for the head of the illicit Confederacy be changed? The people of Richmond should be allowed to put the letters “JDH” on their stationery rather than writing out the whole name until a formal change occurs.

One way to make this happen is to get a little white girl to address the issue. That seems to be more acceptable to these ultraobstinate white people.


Glen Allen