Richmond Police exploring options to build new stable
2/8/2019, 6 a.m.

Four police horses are stabled in the city’s outdated and condemned barn at 801 Brook Road, just west of Chamberlayne Parkway. A committee is seeking public input on a site for new stables that could also provide stalls for horses from other police agencies.
Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press
The Richmond Police Department is “going to explore other options” to try to get a new horse stable for the Mounted Unit, department spokesman Gene Lepley stated.
He offered no specifics.
Mr. Lepley issued the brief statement in response to a Free Press article last week reporting that City Hall put on hold plans to build a new stable after construction bids came in at least $1 million over the $1.5 million budget.
The unit currently has three horses, Samson, Scooter and Toby. A fourth, Rio, was retired in December.
Mr. Lepley said the department is working on purchasing a replacement for Rio.