
Personality: G. Sylvia Jackson

Spotlight on Grand Worthy Matron of the Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of Va.

7/19/2019, 6 a.m.
She’s one week away from the 118th Annual Session of the Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of Virginia, …

She’s one week away from the 118th Annual Session of the Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of Virginia, Prince Hall Affiliation. And Grand Worthy Matron Gertrude Sylvia Jackson is fighting the good fight, leading a group of organizers the public still sees “as old ladies in white who belong to a secret organization,” she says. It’s a misconception that diminishes the work Ms. Jackson and other members of the Order do. Established on Nov. 28, 1901, the Order of the Eastern Star comprises the mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of Master Masons, alongside non-affiliated women, who engage in a variety of community outreach services. The 92 chapters that make up the Order of the Eastern Star of Virginia have put their support behind the NAACP, the United Negro College Fund, March of Dimes and other local charities. Twelve chapters are in the Richmond area. “Members want to be perceived as people who have an interest in enhancing the lives of their fellow man. They do not perceive the organization as having secrets, because their works are known,” Ms. Jackson says. These activities fit with the beliefs behind the Order’ s creation, which sees female involvement as key to a Masonic order that seeks to improve society and aid the marginalized. “It was these ideals that prompted the idea to organize the Order of the Eastern Star to give the black woman a right to share in its heritage and honor and be part of their program,” Ms. Jackson says. Ms. Jackson joined in 1986, when the Order had its largest body with 10,000 members and her son started high school. She was looking for a meaningful outlet for her free time. She was elected Grand Worthy Matron in July 2018 for an organization facing a decrease in membership and a public unaware of the good the Order does for Virginia. Her solution can be summed up easily: “When people see you doing good things, they want to join you.” This approach, besides keeping their mission and its worth fresh in the minds of members, goes hand in hand with Ms. Jackson’s search for alternative methods to reach and inform the public, while not overlooking the communities and associations that rely on the Order’s help. The Annual Session, which expects to see an estimated 600 members in attendance and visi- tors from other states on the East Coast, makes for a good place to further this goal, potentially bringing in new members dur- ing the worship-focused event that will run July 23 through 25 at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel in Williamsburg. Until then, the work goes on. “We continue to put smiles on children’s faces, give love to neighbors, support friends and members in crisis, help students to continue their education and stand by our sisters and brothers in need,” Ms. Jackson says. Meet this week’s Personality and leading lady in white in the Order of the Easter Star of Viginia, G. Sylvia Jackson:

Position with the Order of Eastern Star of Virginia, P.H.A.: I serve as the proud

59th Grand Worthy Matron.

Date and place of birth: Jan. 12 in Henrico County.

Current residence: Henrico’s Varina District.

Education: J. Sargent Reynolds Community College.

Family: Son, Darryl, and granddaughters Darvisha and Dariana Jackson.

When elected and length of term: Elected July 2018 in Hampton and will serve until July 2020.

Position in OES before election: Grand Associate Matron.

OES of Virginia’s total number of members today: Total membership across Virginia is 4,331.

Number of OES chapters in Virginia: There are 92 chapters in the state with 12 in the Richmond area: Richmond #1, Fannie Lewis #4, East End #79, Carey Wheaton #204, Nannie J. Perkins #161, Queen Ebony #241, Hannah #26, Henrico #78, Elizabeth Harris #86, Mary C. Stew- art #128, Eva M Jackson #211 and Elizabeth S. Spurlock #236, of which I am a member.

Reason: To support the wives, daughters, sisters and mothers of Master Masons. Realizing one of the great tenets of Masonry was that of charity, the thought of executing this without the touch of a woman, with her sympathy, understanding soul and human love, would be barren and its influences would die. It was these ideals that prompted the idea to organize the Order of the Eastern Star to give the black woman a right to share in its heritage and honor and be made a part of their program.

Its mission: Our mission state- ment is “An Organization based on the Bible that works together to enhance the growth of the Community.”

History of OES of Virginia:

A meeting of the Eastern Star Chapters of the state of Virginia was held on Nov. 28, 1901, at 511 W. Clay St. in Richmond. The purpose for the meeting was to organize a Grand Chapter. The total membership of the Grand Chapter at that time was 115. The first annual Grand Session was held June 24, 1902, in Petersburg. The first Grand Worthy Patron, Dr. H.L. Harris, held that position for 19 years. During his tenure, the Grand Chapter increased to 60 chapters, with a membership of 2,952 members. An Endowment Board and an Executive Board were instituted. A Juvenile Department was organized in 1904. That department is still operating today with approximately 150 children. In 1992, a Scholarship Committee was organized and the organization is still annually giving scholarships to students. As the Grand Chapter grew, so did its charitable works. The Grand Chapter has supported such organizations as the NAACP, the United Negro College Fund, MCV Cancer Fund, March of Dimes, Sickle Cell Society and various local charities in the cities where the sessions were held.

My No. 1 objective as Grand Worthy Matron: To increase membership and to educate the public on the many charitable endeavors we support.

The power of the Grand Worthy Matron: Oversee the direction and future of the organization.

What’s expected of a Grand Worthy Matron: To be charitable, understanding, transparent, business-savvy and, most importantly, faithful, obedient and Christ-like.

Outlook at start of the day:

Before I get out of bed, I take a few minutes to smile and thank God for one thing or person that He has put in my life.

How I unwind: Listening to soft music.

If I had more time, I would: Volunteer with special needs children.

Best late-night snack: Pork skins with salsa.

Three words that best describe me: Compassionate, fun, Energizer Bunny.

I place top value on: Honesty and integrity.

A quote that I am inspired by: “Success is not measured so much by the position that one has reached in life as much as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed.” – Booker T. Washington

Something I love to do that most people would never imagine: Binge watch old Westerns.

Book I’m reading: “The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person” by Dr. Judith S. Beck.

Best time of my life: Now, because I am retired and can do more of the things that make me happy.

Next goal: To run for an office on the national level of the Order of the Eastern Star.

Want to go?

What: 118th Annual Session of the Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of Virginia, Prince Hall Affiliation.

When: Tuesday, July 23, through Thursday, July 25.

Where: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Williamsburg, 50 Kingsmill Road, Williamsburg.

Pre-session events open to the public: Vesper Service, 6 p.m. Sunday, July 21, and Youth Program, 5 p.m. Monday, July 22, both at the hotel.