
New chair for School Board?

Jeremy M. Lazarus | 1/2/2020, 6 a.m.
The Richmond School Board could start the new year with a new chair at the helm.
Ms. Page

The Richmond School Board could start the new year with a new chair at the helm.

Ms. Owen

Ms. Owen

Several School Board sources told the Free Press there is a move afoot to elect Linda B. Owen, 9th District, to replace the current chair, Dawn C. Page, 8th District, who has held the post since 2017.

The decision on School Board officers is to be made at the board meeting on Monday, Jan. 6.

According to one member, who requested anonymity, support has begun to coalesce around Ms. Owen, a retired teacher, out of concern that Ms. Page has been less collegial in the post.

“She has issued statements on behalf of the board without first consulting the rest of us. And she also has made decisions on spending and personnel without reviewing the matters with the board,” the member said. “Promises that items would be on the agenda have not always been kept.”

Ms. Owen “has been a straight-shooter,” the member said, acknowledging that Ms. Owen has been a loyal supporter of Ms. Page and generally voted in lockstep with her. “Still, a change at the top would signal that the board sees a need for change ahead of the next election,” the member said.