
City Council waives tax penalties

Jeremy M. Lazarus | 5/14/2020, 6 p.m.
Richmond residents and businesses will have until Friday, Aug. 14, to pay their 2020 city tax bills on real estate …

Richmond residents and businesses will have until Friday, Aug. 14, to pay their 2020 city tax bills on real estate and on vehicles and other personal property without incurring an additional penalty or interest charge.

The tax bills usually are due in June, but City Council voted Monday night to approve the two-month waiver of penalties and interest jointly proposed by the governing body and Mayor Levar M. Stoney.

Businesses in arrears on payments of meals, lodging and admission taxes have until Tuesday, June 30, to pay those without penalty or interest added, the approved ordinance noted.

In other business, City Council also voted 9-0 in favor of a resolution that calls on the administration to change its rules and end termination of employees found to have marijuana in their blood after a drug screen.

Councilwoman Stephanie A. Lynch, 5th District, proposed the change in the wake of the passage of a new state law that eliminates possession of small amounts of marijuana as a criminal offense. That law takes effect July 1.

“People have been losing their jobs for failing a marijuana test,” Ms. Lynch said. “That impacts the individuals and their families. And it has disproportionately affected African-Americans. I don’t think that should be happening.”

She said the administration has signaled support for the resolution and is expected to make the change to its employee regulations.

Ms. Lynch said that the city still has rules in place that would allow for appropriate discipline and even firing of those who come to work under the influence of drugs. But she said the results of a drug screen should not be the basis for an employee’s dismissal.