
City wants to know residents’ wish list for spending $77M

Jeremy M. Lazarus | 7/29/2021, 6 p.m.
“How would you spend $77 million on your city?”
Mayor Stoney

“How would you spend $77 million on your city?”

That’s a question City Hall is posing and hoping that Richmond residents will help answer by taking part in an online survey on how to use the money coming directly to the city from the new $2.3 trillion federal American Rescue Plan designed to provide relief from COVID-19.

Mayor Levar M. Stoney announced Tuesday that the survey has been posted on the city’s website at RVA.gov/ARP and will remain open through midnight Monday, Aug. 9.

The $77 million is the first half of the city’s share of direct aid from ARP, with a second $77 million to arrive next year. The city has until 2026 to spend it, according to the legislation proposed by President Biden and passed by Congress in March.

“This is a transformative investment,” said Mayor Stoney. “The American Rescue Plan Act has given us the chance to recover the right way. We need your input to make it happen.”

The mayor said his administration already has some ideas on how to use the money. That includes spending to boost the compensation of essential city workers, improve public infrastructure and support economic recovery.

He said the administration would continue seeking public input as it pre- pares a plan to send to City Council for approval.

The money the city is receiving is separate from the $153 million that Richmond Public Schools is to receive. The school system already has issued a proposal to spend all of the money on boosting learning, with $65 million to be spent on a new effort to boost reading and writing proficiency.