
Tax amnesty application deadline March 31

3/25/2021, 6 p.m.
A month long tax amnesty program for Richmond property owners will expire next Wednesday, March 31.

A month long tax amnesty program for Richmond property owners will expire next Wednesday, March 31.

And at this point, only a small fraction of the 4,332 property owners who are delinquent have jumped at the opportunity to pay their tax debt or set up a payment plan and eliminate the penalties and interest that have built up, the city Department of Finance has reported to City Council.

As of March 19, only 150 people had submitted a tax amnesty application that included payment of the entire amount or a partial payment with a request for a payment plan, according to the department.

The final count could go higher as the department completes work with other taxpayers who have filed.

Still, it is unclear whether the final numbers from the current amnesty will reach the total from four years ago in the number of participants or in the collection of overdue taxes.

The department noted that in 2017, 618 property owners took advantage of a two-month amnesty period to entirely clear their delinquency or create a payment plan. At the time, there were 5,667 owners with payment delinquencies, the department added.

Applications that can be filled out online and downloaded can be found at RVAStrong.org/taxamnesty. Applications also can be picked up at City Hall.

People also can request contactless dropoff or pickup by calling 311, the city’s assistance program, officials stated.

Completed applications can be mailed to Real Estate Tax Amnesty Program, 900 E. Broad St., Room 100, Richmond, Va. 23219

Further assistance and information: RVAStrong.org or dial 311 for customer service.