
New city appointments announced

5/13/2021, 6 p.m.
Mayor Levar M. Stoney has named four women and a man to fill key roles in the administration.

Mayor Levar M. Stoney has named four women and a man to fill key roles in the administration.

Among the appointees is Sherrill Hampton, a 25-year veteran of affordable housing and community development. She has been named director of the city Department of Housing and Community Development. She most recently worked on housing issues in Charlotte, N.C.

Dianne Wilmore, community service manager at the Richmond Public Library’s North Avenue Branch, also will double as the city’s homeless liaison, the mayor stated.

The mayor made the appointments amid a heightened city focus on developing affordable housing and dealing with home- lessness in the wake of the pandemic.

He also made permanent the appointments for two women who have been interim directors, Sheila D. White in the city Department of Finance and Mona Adkins-Easley in the city Department of Human Resources.

Ms. White, a certified public accountant who had been senior deputy director of finance, was named interim director of the department in February following the departure of John B. Wack to a post with Henrico County Public Schools.

Ms. Adkins-Easley was named interim HR director in 2019.

The mayor also promoted Jason P. May to interim director of the city Office of Budget & Strategic Planning following the departure of Dr. Jay Brown. Dr. Brown, who had been the city’s budget director for seven years, is going to Hanover County to serve as a deputy county administrator.

Mr. May has been deputy director of the office since 2019.