
A.P. Hill’s statue removal on hold

Free Press staff report | 12/8/2022, 6 p.m.
City Hall remains stymied on removing the last of Richmond’s city-owned Confederate statues, despite securing an Oct. 25 court ruling …

City Hall remains stymied on removing the last of Richmond’s city-owned Con- federate statues, despite securing an Oct. 25 court ruling from Richmond Circuit Court Judge D. Eugene Cheek authorizing the city to proceed.

Distant relatives of slavery-defending Gen. A.P. Hill filed a notice of appeal of Judge Cheek’s ruling just before Thanksgiving and on Monday, added a separate request to the judge to halt the city from taking action until the matter is resolved.

The bottom line: The statue of Gen. Hill will remain at the intersection of Laburnum Avenue and Hermitage Road until the legal case is resolved. The statue, which sits atop the general’s grave, has been in place since May 1892.