
No endorsements and no Joe

12/15/2022, 6 p.m.
The United States Congress will soon have a new elected representative from Virginia’s 4th Congressional District that has, according to …

The United States Congress will soon have a new elected representative from Virginia’s 4th Congressional District that has, according to the U.S. Census, 789,815 residents, 51.4 percent female, 48.6 percent male.

The 4th District has been reliably represented by Democrats for several years. A special Democratic primary will take place Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2022. The winner will face a Republican opponent on Feb. 21, 2023.

Who are the candidates as of Wednesday afternoon’s Free Press deadline?

•Delegate Lamont Bagby: Chair of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus

• State Sen. Jennifer McClellan: Vice Chair of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus.

• State Sen. Joe Morrissey

• Attorney Joseph Preston

• Insurance agent Tavorise K. Marks

The ability to interview each candidate and reach an informed endorsement was compromised by the Free Press Wednesday evening deadline.

So we are making no endorsement.

We do, however, think that there is one candidate that does not merit endorsement, namely Sen. Joe Morrissey, whom we consider to be the quintessential self-serving opportunist.