
Absurdities rooted in right-wing, by Faye Williams

7/21/2022, 6 p.m.
Years ago, I stated that the damage of a Donald Trump presidency wouldn’t be in his initial term(s), but in …

Years ago, I stated that the damage of a Donald Trump presidency wouldn’t be in his initial term(s), but in the future evil that he would sanction. It now appears that “crazies,” especially in the political arena, are crawling from under rocks throughout the nation.

I will not claim that absurdities only come from one side, but the majority of the absurd statements I process daily come from Republicans, racists, Christian fundamentalists, or right-wing extremists.

Pastor Mark Burns, who notoriously lied about his membership in Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity during the 2016 campaign, is a Republican candidate for Congress in South Carolina’s 4th District. In addition to his past lies, he now spews hate and advocates execution for political opponents. His campaign website features photos of him either with Mr. Trump or talking into microphones in front of Trump Tower.

Also on his website:

•“Well-funded police and the protection of the Rule of Law are imperative to civil society.”

•“Critical Race Theory is Communist, anti-white racism.”

•“Vaccine and mask mandates are medical tyranny, and have no place in America.”

I only question what he will say after the Republican primary.

Jacky Eubanks, a Republican endorsed by Donald Trump, is a candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives. According to Rolling Stone magazine, Ms. Eubanks states, “You cannot have a successful society outside of the Christian moral order ... things like abortion and things like gay marriage are outside the Christian moral order. They lead to chaos and destruction and a culture of death; we’ve abandoned the Christian moral order as a nation and we are reaping that destruction.”

She also advocates a total birth control ban and abstinence until marriage.

Ms. Eubanks has obviously forgotten that the first European invaders came to North America seeking religious freedom and the freedom of religion enshrined in the Constitution provides for the freedom OF religion and FROM religion. Ms. Eubanks seems focused on the imposition of her religious beliefs on everyone.

Instead of a fundamentalist fervor, Georgia citizens are challenged to consider ignorance as a reasonable choice. Herschel Walker, who has been labeled as unprepared as a candidate for the U.S. Senate, also has been plagued with challenges to his character and ethics.

The old saying “it’s better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and proven a fool” applies to Mr. Walker. The following statement, given at a recent campaign rally, provides his justification for opposition against clean air initiatives:

“We in America have some of the cleanest air and cleanest water of anybody in the world. So what we do, we’re gonna put, from the Green New Deal, millions of billions of dollars cleaning our good air up. So all of a sudden China and India ain’t putting nothing in cleaning that situation up. All their bad air is still there. But since we don’t control the air, our good air decided to float over to China’s bad air. So when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So it moves over to our good air space. Then now we got to clean that back up.”

Hand-picked by Mr. Trump, Walker is obviously a candidate because of his football fame at the University of Georgia and as a Negro-counter to Sen. Raphael Warnock.

The absurdity of these characters is obvious to those who recognize the importance of personal character and understand the divergence of ideas in a democratic society.The greater danger for our nation is that they are not the only threat. They and those they represent are a clear and present danger to the freedoms we will enjoy in the future.

The writer is a minister, United Nations Peace Peace Ambassador and president of the Dick Gregory Society.