
Monkey pox vaccines, now available in Richmond area

George Copeland Jr. | 7/28/2022, 6 p.m.
In response to the spread of the monkeypox virus, the Richmond and Henrico health districts are vaccinating people who may …

In response to the spread of the monkeypox virus, the Richmond and Henrico health districts are vaccinating people who may be at higher risk of exposure but haven’t had contact with known positive cases.

Last Wednesday, RHHD began using 160 monkeypox vaccines for those currently eligible, and are focused on adults with certain risk factors that increase their likelihood of exposure. RHHD has made available an interest form for individuals in Richmond and Henrico County to apply for a monkeypox vaccine.

Individuals currently eligible for the vaccine include gay, bisexual and other men, and transgender women and nonbinary persons assigned male at birth, who have sex with men and have multiple or anonymous sexual partners. Sex workers, staff at establishments with sexual activity and people who attend sex-on-premises venues also are eligible.

RHHD officials have warned that these groups are not the full scope of those vulnerable to the virus, and have continued to caution against stereotyping, misinformation and condemnation of individuals and groups.

“It’s important to remember that anyone, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, can get monkeypox if they have close contact with someone infected with the virus,” said Dr. Melissa A. Viray, deputy director of RHHD.

“It continues to be important to identify which communities are most impacted by a disease so that we can work with them for prevention efforts, but it is never acceptable to use transmission of a disease to stigmatize or hold biases against a community.”

Before last Wednesday, RHHD only offered monkeypox vaccines to close contacts of known cases who were at high risk, or specific intermediate risk, of infection. This new vaccination push focuses on community outreach to identify high-risk individuals and create appointments through groups connected to specific communities.

So far, more than 48 vaccines have been administered locally, according to RHHD officials, who expect those numbers to more than double by the end of the week. More than 300 people have expressed interest in vaccination through the interest form.

As of last Thursday, 63 presumed and confirmed monkeypox cases were found in Virginia, while one had been identified in Central Virginia, and more vaccine doses are expected to arrive this week.

It’s currently unclear how public interest for the vaccine will change in the weeks to come, but Dr. Viray believes Central Virginia is “relatively fortunate” given how the local number of cases compared to other localities and states.

“I think we are in a better place now than we were for COVID because we have a vaccine and we can make it available,” Dr. Viray said.

To complete a form for the monkeypox vaccine, please visit rhhd.gov/monkeypoxvax or call (804) 205-3501.