
E-Cycle Day on the way

4/27/2023, 6 p.m.
If you were inspired by Earth Day to start disposing of your old electronics and unwanted items correctly, here’s your …

If you were inspired by Earth Day to start disposing of your old electronics and unwanted items correctly, here’s your chance to follow through on that idea. On Saturday, May 13, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Richmond residents dispose of electronic and hazardous household waste at the Broad Rock Sports Complex, on 4825 Old Warwick Road.

Residents can bring up to five computer boxes of documents free of binders, staples and clips for shredding as well as haz- ardous household waste materials such as pesticides, herbicides and oil-based paints. Latex and water-based paints will not be collected as these items can be left in open paint cans until dried out and then put in with regular curbside trash pickup.

Unwanted electronics, such as phones, computers, printers, televisions – almost anything with a plug will also be accepted for disposal; however, there may be fees for this service. Volun- teers will be on hand to unload vehicles at the drive-thru event. Proof of residency is required.

More information about this recycling event, sponsored by The Department of Public Works, The Clean City Commission and The Department of Public Utilities, including fees and a full list of electronics to recycle, is available at
