
Is popular PAL program ‘in limbo’?

Jeremy M. Lazarus | 3/23/2023, 6 p.m.
Will the Richmond Police Athletic League offer spring and summer programs for the city’s youths?
Ms. Gray

Will the Richmond Police Athletic League offer spring and summer programs for the city’s youths?

The Richmond Police Department is keeping mum about the status of the nonprofit program that has long offered a variety of sports opportunities after some of the board members resigned.

The Free Press has not received a response to queries about the status of the operation, which is based at SCOR, the Sports Center of Richmond, 1385 Overbrook Road. Two staff members based at the office declined comment as well.

Former City Councilwoman Kim B. Gray brought the situation to the attention of the Free Press.

“I was approached by a concerned volunteer who said that Richmond PAL was having trouble due to board conflicts,” Ms. Gray said.

She said she was told that several of the board members had walked out of a meeting last week and quit, leaving the PAL program “in limbo.”