
Lights and cameras

Photos by Julianne Tripp | 9/28/2023, 6 p.m.
The 8th Afrikana Film Festival recently presented the premier of its first film production “Ninki Nanka” on Sept. 16. The …

The 8th Afrikana Film Festival recently presented the premier of its first film production “Ninki Nanka” on Sept. 16. The film was written by revel denkyem, directed by LeRon Lee, and produced in partnership with Oakwood Arts and VPM.

Left, the festival’s founder, Enjoli Moon, greets former Afrikana board member Josh Epperson, who now is the festival’s creative adviser.

Actors in “Ninki Nanka” include Noelle Ramsay, Tiffany Jana and Jon Cope. Jaida Cureton was the film’s hair and makeup artist. Neci Hill and Paris Boynes were among the production’s crew members.