Diamond District developers confident despite $40M lawsuit
George Copeland Jr. | 8/8/2024, 6 p.m.

As Richmond’s Diamond District project begins in earnest, partner real estate developers expect to see no interference in the work to come, even as a new $40 million lawsuit has been levied against those involved in the redevelopment of the area.
A lawsuit filed by Republic Partners against Thalhimer Realty Partners and Loop Capital claims the latter two firms created a new group to pursue the project without ending the previous one all three companies formed. This decision, the suit claims, incurred a loss of $40 million for Republic.
“Unbeknownst to Republic, Defendants formed a different partnership between themselves, known as Diamond District Partners,” the suit reads in part, “at the same time that the City and the Partnership ... were attempting to negotiate a development agreement.”
“The lawsuit will not delay or stop progress,” Thalhimer President and CEO Lee Warfield wrote in an email response to inquiries.
“We won’t allow Republic to hold the project hostage.”
Warfield challenged the suit’s claim that Thalhimer and Loop broke a binding agreement, and said Republic made clear in writing they no longer wanted a part in the project.
“Couldn’t be clearer and we can’t understand how they can come back in a year later and somehow claim they are involved,” Warfield wrote.
The suit is the latest to be leveled against those involved in the Diamond District project. An earlier suit by attorney Paul Goldman focused on financing the City of Richmond was using for the project was dismissed in June.

Thalhimer Realty Company announced Monday that Maritza Pechin, former deputy director with the City of Richmond, has joined the company as director of development.
Pechin’s previous work with the City included the Diamond District project, the Richmond 300 master plan and the redevelopment of the City Center, leaving last year to join the Build America Bureau in the U.S. Department of Transportation.
A groundbreaking is expected this month.