
Debate duck

8/29/2024, 6 p.m.

Former national security adviser H.R. McMaster said recently that his former boss, the previous president, needs the support of a team of competent professionals, as he is susceptible to manipulation.

“People know kind of how to push his buttons, especially buttons associated with maintaining the complete support of his political base,” he said

Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation” program. It seems they certainly do. At the Democratic National Convention, the former president was called out repeatedly by the leaders of the party.

Barack Obama’s “off-hand” remark about crowd sizes seemed to strike a nerve with his successor, along with other one-liners from the party leaders.

Some have suggested that these remarks were a strategic effort to draw their opponent onto a debate stage, something he had been on the fence about.

They may have moved the needle some, but it was after the Harris campaign released a video of Trump hemming and hawing over a possible debate and mixed in soundtrack of clucking chickens that he finally agreed to terms for a debate.

We hope the former president doesn’t back down again. Voters are due the conversation and exchange of ideas that a debate provides. Don’t duck this one, Donald.