
Final score

6/27/2024, 6 p.m.
Our Sports page will look different next week. Fred Jeter, our longtime sports writer, ends his tenure with The Richmond …

Our Sports page will look different next week. Fred Jeter, our longtime sports writer, ends his tenure with The Richmond Free Press with this issue.

For many years, Fred has been the cornerstone of our sports coverage, bringing local athletics to life with deep knowledge of the game. His passion for sports, particularly those at the high school and collegiate levels, shone through in the articles he’s penned for our readers.

As he moves on to his next chapter, we express gratitude for his years of service. Fred’s shoes will be difficult to fill, but the standards he set will guide our sports coverage in the future.

Next week, we welcome the return of stories from The Black College Sports Page to The Richmond Free Press. The syndicated weekly compilation of sports news from HBCUs, published and edited by Carl “Lut” Williams, started in 1994. 

We look forward to reading more about our collegiate athletes in the coming months and welcome feedback from our readers.