
Memorial Day

5/23/2024, 6 p.m.
Unlike the aforementioned monuments, at least one idea from the Civil War era has rightfully endured – Memorial Day.

Unlike the aforementioned monuments, at least one idea from the Civil War era has rightfully endured – Memorial Day.

Historians trace some of the earliest organized memorials for fallen soldiers to Columbia, S.C., in 1865. According to David Blight’s “Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory,” the event was organized by formerly enslaved African-Americans and “some whites.”

Together, they decorated the unmarked graves of U.S. soldiers who died after being captured by Confederates.

In contrast to the divisive symbols of the Civil War era, Memorial Day embodies a nation coming together to honor sacrifice and valor. It ensures the memories of all who fought for the country endure with dignity and respect. As we continue to observe this day, let us remember it symbolizes our shared commitment to acknowledging the past while striving for a better future.