
Statues of limitations

5/23/2024, 6 p.m.
Gov. Glenn Youngkin should thank his predecessor for putting the stone statues of Confederate leaders out of reach after they …

Gov. Glenn Youngkin should thank his predecessor for putting the stone statues of Confederate leaders out of reach after they were dismantled and hauled away. He may have saved the governor from himself.

As you may recall, former Gov. Ralph S. Northam gave the statues to the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia weeks before he left office. This move came after it became apparent that the next governor might harbor some sympathy for those who still believe in the mythology of the Lost Cause.

The decision was criticized by some, who noted that the small museum lacked the resources to secure such a large acquisition. They may have a point, but two of Gov. Youngkin’s recent vetoes, which allow the Daughters of the Confederacy to keep their tax breaks and ensure the availability of Confederate-themed license plates, show how crucial it was that the remnants of those divisive structures didn’t fall into the wrong hands.