
Counties must follow Henrico’s lead on homeless funding

5/30/2024, 6 p.m.
Kudos to Henrico County for stating they will partner with the city and pay for a quarter of the operating …

Kudos to Henrico County for stating they will partner with the cityand pay for a quarter of the operating expenses for shelters for the homeless in Richmond. The total amount appropriated by Richmond at this time is $4 million, so they will allocate $1 million out of their budget to help with the homeless crisis.

Mayor Levar M. Stoney has sent letters to some of our other surrounding counties requesting help. These surrounding counties need to follow Henrico County’s lead and contribute so that we can get this homeless problem under control.

There is a diverse amount of homeless people from various areas living here in Richmond. If the monies come from the various counties as they should, we can then begin to tag team this problem. In the past we have been going alone, but now we have Henrico and hopefully others to helpfully help us tackle the homeless problem.

The more money we are able to raise, the more homeless people we can help. Thanks Henrico for being a good neighbor.

