
Saying the quiet part online

5/30/2024, 6 p.m.
They say when you’re job hunting, you should keep in mind that when a company lists qualifications and requirements on …

They say when you’re job hunting, you should keep in mind that when a company lists qualifications and requirements on a job posting, it’s a “wish list.” Recruiters know there’s a chance only a few applicants will fit the exact requirements they’re looking for and they’re willing to settle for someone with similar experiences. A tech company based in Virginia called Arthur Grand Technologies learned to be careful what they wish for – the hard way.

In a posting on a jobs website, the corporation listed its requirements for a business analyst opening with its insurance and sales claims team in Dallas. The description read the job was open to “Only US Born Citizens [white] who are local within 60 miles from Dallas, TX [Don’t share with candidates].”

The post, however, was shared – with the Department of Justice and the Department of Labor.

The company recently reached two agreements with the government agencies. In addition to having their recruitment policies monitored, they will be forced to revise their employment practices, retrain employees and pay compensation to individuals who filed complaints about the company, along with a civil penalty.

A representative for the company, which is minority-owned, reportedly blamed a “disgruntled worker,” for the discriminatory post.

We agree with the Department of Justice official who said the company’s stated preference for “white” candidates was shameful. We also applaud the government’s efforts to reach an agreement that will compensate the people who were affected by the post and give the firm a chance to rehabilitate itself.

While this kind of blatantly racist advertisement is uncommon, the sentiment behind it is not. It’s what led to companies adopting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives in recent years. Unfortunately, some of these DEI programs and initiatives have proved to be a trend, as many corporations quietly shuttered them after a brief period. That’s unfortunate, because as this incident proves, there’s work to be done.