Committed to serving all citizens, not catering to Trump
11/14/2024, 6 p.m.
I see where some are dwelling on alleged shortcomings in Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign. To my mind, she was a brilliant candidate who ran a near-perfect race. Of course Democrats will look for ways to improve our efforts.
We will reach out to all citizens; it is in our nature. But we will not cater to the likes of Donald Trump. And we will win again soon.
We have spent lifetimes supporting and improving upon core American values like citizen equality, fair popular elections, checks and balances in our government, and the election of men and women of good character. We will use these values in building an economy where all can meet their monthly expenses, where all can prosper. We will defend democracy around the world. And we will continue to fortify these principles and these policies with a healthy daily dose of the “fierce love” advocated by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
We will not just carry on. From the elders to the youngest, we remain Freedom Fighters.