Chesterfield academy to offer government insight for local residents
Free Press staff report | 2/27/2025, 6 p.m.
Chesterfield County, in partnership with the Asian and Latino Solidarity Alliance of Central Virginia (ALSACV), is accepting applications for this year’s My Chesterfield Academy. The deadline to apply is Monday, March 17.
My Chesterfield Academy empowers residents, particularly those from multi-cultural communities, to understand and navigate Chesterfield government and local resources. Since launching in 2019, the academy has graduated 70 participants from 30 different countries, including Mexico, Egypt, China and India.
The program runs monthly from April through December, excluding July and August, with sessions held at various locations across the county. Each class consists of 15 to 20 participants. To qualify, individuals must live, work or play in Chesterfield County, with no requirement for U.S. citizenship.
The academy will feature seven sessions, each from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on April 22, May 27, June 24, Sept. 23, Oct. 28, Nov. 18 and Dec. 16. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of local government and services through facility tours and meetings with government and school leaders. Graduates will be recognized at a Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors meeting in January 2026.
Applicants with leadership experience and community involvement are preferred.
A $50 refundable deposit is required to cover meals and other expenses, which will be returned upon completion of the program.
My Chesterfield Academy is hosted by the Chesterfield County Department of Community Engagement and Resources (CER) and partially funded through corporate sponsorships and donations to ALSACV.
For more information, visit