Lessons in kindness from a mother’s care
1/16/2025, 6 p.m.
I was touched by the lovely story by Hazel Trice Edney. (Free Press, Jan. 2-4 edition) Members of my generation at some point have faced decisions about parent care.
Edney told of her decision and the results of taking care of her mother with such sweetness and kindness that she made me hope all of us seniors could be so blessed and, at the same time, learn the lesson she must have learned from her mother.
She wrote, “I’ve learned to speak words of love and kindness to her and exude patience even when I am tired and frustrated.”
Obviously, Edney has a loving and kind mother who taught her the traits that help her now in her mother’s care.
A nice message for us all, whether we are receiving elder care or giving it.