U.S. Supreme Court hears appeal of convicted former Gov. McDonnell
The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on Wednesday in former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell’s appeal of his conviction on corruption charges involving $177,000 in gifts and sweetheart loans from a businessman seeking to promote a dietary supplement.
Cleveland to pay $6M in Tamir Rice’s death
Cleveland officials have agreed to pay $6 million to settle a lawsuit filed by the family of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old who was shot and killed by a police officer in 2014, according to documents filed in federal court on …
Power to vote
David Mosby no longer feels like a second-class citizen. After years of being barred from the ballot box because of his criminal record, the 46-year-old home improvement contractor is finally able to vote and fully take part in the life …
Harlem churches see gospel tourist boom
The stern warning issued from the pulpit was directed at the tourists — most of whom had arrived late — a sea of white faces with guidebooks in hand. They outnumbered the congregation itself: A handful of elderly black men …
Criminal charges filed in Michigan water crisis
The Flint water crisis became a criminal case Wednesday when two state regulators and a city employee were charged with official misconduct, evidence tampering and other offenses over the lead contamination that alarmed the country and brought cries of racism.
Price of first class stamp drops by 2¢
A postage stamp now costs 47 cents — a drop of 2 cents for a first class letter.
Transgender law tweaked in N.C. after backlash
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory slightly altered a new state law denounced as discriminatory with an executive order Tuesday, but the Republican stood firm on a controversial provision restricting transgender bathroom access. The governor’s order expands protections against discrimination for …
U.S. Supreme Court rejects conservative challenge in voting rights case
The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously upheld the method all states use to draw their legislative districts, rejecting a conservative challenge that could have given more clout to white, rural voters.
First family celebrates Easter at historic black church
President Obama and the first family attended Easter service at a historic African-American church that traces its origins to the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. The Rev. Howard-John Wesley, pastor at the 198-year-old Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria’s Old Town, …
Obama promotes democracy during historic visit to Cuba
Capping his remarkable visit to Cuba, President Obama on Tuesday declared an end to the “last remnant of the Cold War in the Americas” and openly urged the Cuban people to pursue a more democratic future for this communist nation …
National clergy group outraged over attempts to block court appointment
Black clergy from across the country are expressing outrage about the Republican-led U.S. Senate’s vow to block any nominee President Obama picks to fill a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court, saying it reflects racism and disrespect.
Obama picks D.C. jurist
President Obama nominated veteran appellate court Judge Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday, setting up a potentially ferocious political showdown with Senate Republicans who have vowed to block any Obama nominee.
Clinton, Trump win Super Tuesday
Super Tuesday proved super for Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. The two front-runners each won seven of the 11 state primary contests this week, including Virginia — putting each on course to win their party’s presidential nomination and …
Super Tuesday
Now it is up to the voters. Next week, Virginians will help pick the Democratic and Republican nominees for president. The presidential primary elections for both parties are scheduled for Tuesday, March 1, in the Old Dominion, with polls open …
Scalia’s death sets up showdown over high court
Conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has died, setting up a major political showdown between President Obama and the Republican-controlled Senate over who will replace him just months before a presidential election.