

Problematic political rhetoric, by Clarence Page

As someone who has appreciated the power of protest and activism on achieving progress in the U.S. and the world, it’s hard for me to watch the current high emotions over the Middle East devolve into arguments about the meanings …

Increasing opportunities for underrepresented minorities in STEM

On Dec. 15, House Science, Space and Technology (SST) Committee Member, Virginia Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan; SST Ranking Member, California Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren; and Ranking Member of the SST Subcommittee and Technology, Michigan Congresswoman Haley Stevens sent the following letter Comptroller …

America no longer the ‘land of opportunity’, by David W. Marshall

When the governors of Texas, Arizona and Florida took advantage of the welcoming traditions provided by sanctuary cities, it was meant to get rid of an unwanted problem. More than 23,000 asylum seekers have been bused to Chicago from Texas …

Election 2024 and LGBTQ+ rights, by Errin Haines

The last year in politics has seen an erosion of rights for LGBTQ+ Americans, who are facing an assault on their very existence, with bans on books that affirm their experience, to hundreds of bills in statehouses targeting the rights …

Kissinger’s legacy — it’s complicated, by Clarence Page

Over his century on Earth, Henry Kissinger left a big mark, love him or hate him. And a lot of people sure did hate him.

How to normalize an insurrection, by Clarence Page

Well, it took long enough. House Speaker Mike Johnson has finally started releasing 44,000 hours of security footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol assault that many, including me, hoped would shed more light on what really happened on …

Let’s get children back outside, by Ben Jealous

Last week, after a restful Thanksgiving, my family made a deliberate choice to #OptOutside on Friday.

Supreme Court’s so-called ethics code is worse than nothing, by Marc H. Morial

The so-called ethics code the U.S. Supreme Court issued on Monday won’t put a stop to corruption and wasn’t intended to do so. Quite the opposite: it is intended to justify corruption.

Thanksgiving 2023 reflections: Planting gratitude and harvesting a bounty, by Alveda King

For many people, the Thanksgiving season is a time for expressing gratitude to God for our many blessings.

Feudalism in the Commonwealth, by Gary L. Flowers

In 1619, English colonizers brought captured Africans to Virginia on a cargo ship “The White Lion.” The white colonizers also brought a hierarchical social structure, left over from the days of feudalism in mid-evil England.

An old Joe Biden foe is back —the enthusiasm gap, by Clarence Page

Every presidential campaign raises nagging questions of various sorts.

The G.I. Bill’s effect on Black veterans, by David W. Marshall

Each year our nation recognizes Veterans Day, celebrated last Saturday on Nov. 11, by honoring America’s service men and women for their courage, honor, patriotism and sacrifice each year.

Making connections that can help save the planet, by Ben Jealous

If we’re going to realize the climate benefits of historic federal support for clean energy and jobs approved in the last two years, connections are the key. And I’m not just talking about electrifying homes and buildings.

A segregationist in the House, by Julianne Malveaux

Many are rejoicing that Republicans finally got around to electing a speaker, thus breaking the logjam that began when Trump acolyte Matt Goetz (R-Fla.) introduced legislation to eliminate Kevin McCarthy (R-Ca.). In selecting Louisiana’s Mike Johnson, Republicans chose a self-avowed …

Americans overwhelmingly support corporate diversity initiatives, by Marc H. Morial

“Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance.” –Verna Myers, vice president of Inclusion Strategy at Netflix.