Stories this photo appears in:

Area police encrypt scanner broadcasts
Richmond area residents — including news reporters working on stories — no longer will be able to monitor police scanners after this week.

City police holding church safety forum
The Richmond Police Department is holding a forum about safety for places of worship. The free forum is designed to help mosques, churches, synagogues and all places of worship with safety procedures that can help protect their worshippers and property. Topics will include general safety, emergency preparation, firearms in places of worship and pastoral protection.

Richmond Police spent tax $ at Henrico County establishments for rally food
Will Richmond have to shell out another $570,000 if supporters of Confederate statues come back in six weeks to hold another rally in Richmond?

Richmond Police to revive Midnight Basketball
The once popular Midnight Basketball League is about to be revived in Richmond. The city police department is bringing back the program as a softer element of its crime-fighting strategy.

City Council approves funds for new police property center
The cramped and decaying storage area in Downtown where the Richmond Police Department holds guns, drugs and other evidence for court cases is finally on its way to being replaced.

16 to graduate from police academy
The Richmond Police Department is gaining some badly needed reinforcements. Sixteen recruits are to graduate from the training academy this week and immediately join the ranks of the department. They are the first of more than 70 new officers who are expected to join the city police force in the next nine months. “When these recruits entered training July 1, I said that graduation day couldn’t come fast enough. Well, that day has finally arrived, ” Chief Alfred Durham told the Free Press.

Police funding decision before City Council Dec. 12
Richmond City Council has dropped its plan to hold a special meeting to shift $1.7 million to the city Police Department to cover the cost of hiring and training 20 recruits.

Stop the Violence Community Day Sunday at Luck’s Field
Amid worries about rising crime, nonprofits are teaming with law enforcement to host a “Stop the Violence” Community Day in the East End this weekend.

Police host safety forum
The Richmond Police Department is hosting a safety awareness forum for places of worship from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. this Saturday, May 14, at the Richmond Police Training Academy, 1202 W. Graham Road.

Public safety forum for churches on Oct. 30
The Richmond Police Department is hosting a safety and awareness forum for congregation leaders from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 30.

City cop shot, man killed in gunfight Wednesday
A Richmond Police officer was wounded and an armed man was killed during a gunfight Wednesday evening near South Meadow and West Cary streets in the West End, police reported.