

Former Richmond City Council colleagues who brought black political power to City Hall in 1977 take part in a recognition ceremony that Mayor Dwight C. Jones hosted Wednesday night at The Hippodrome Theater in Jackson Ward. Right, Henry W. “Chuck” Richardson chats with Claudine McDaniel, who stood in for her mother, the late Claudette Black McDaniel, Willie J. Dell and Henry L. Marsh III, who became the city’s first African-American mayor with the votes of his colleagues.

Former Richmond City Council colleagues who brought black political power to City Hall in 1977 take part in a recognition ceremony that Mayor Dwight C. Jones hosted Wednesday night at The Hippodrome Theater in Jackson Ward. Right, Henry W. “Chuck” Richardson chats with Claudine McDaniel, who stood in for her mother, the late Claudette Black McDaniel, Willie J. Dell and Henry L. Marsh III, who became the city’s first African-American mayor with the votes of his colleagues.