

The city’s valedictorians, left to right: Annia Fountain of Thomas Jefferson, Lamar Greene of Richmond Community, Isabel Waters of Open High, Devin Evans of George Wythe, Mia Noel of Franklin Military, Andre Charles of Armstrong, Syeda Haider of Thomas Jefferson, Kyhiem Banks of John Marshall and Erykah Adams of Huguenot. 

Call them the best of the Class 2015 when it comes to grades. 
Here are the members of the Class of 2015 who recorded the highest GPAs for their high school since they started as ninth-graders in 2011.  
By high school, they are:
Armstrong: Valedictorian Andre Charles, 4.47 GPA; salutatorian Mikquasha Wyatt. 
Franklin Military: Valedictorian Cadet Lt. Mia Noel, 3.54 GPA; salutatorian Cadet Maj. Jade Lewis. 
Huguenot: Valedictorian Erykah Adams, 4.39 GPA; salutatorian Rudy Li. 
Thomas Jefferson: Co-valedictorians Syeda Haider, 4.8 GPA, and Annia Fountain, 4.8 GPA. 
John Marshall: Valedictorian Kyhiem Banks, 4.3 GPA; salutatorian Randaisha Nikens.
Open High: Valedictorian Isabel Waters, 4.49 GPA; salutatorian Gillian Throckmorton.
Richmond Community: Valedictorian Lamar Greene, 4.91 GPA; salutatorian Jasmine Cousins.
George Wythe: Valedictorian Devin Evans, 4.24 GPA; salutatorian Yusef Jones.

The city’s valedictorians, left to right: Annia Fountain of Thomas Jefferson, Lamar Greene of Richmond Community, Isabel Waters of Open High, Devin Evans of George Wythe, Mia Noel of Franklin Military, Andre Charles of Armstrong, Syeda Haider of Thomas Jefferson, Kyhiem Banks of John Marshall and Erykah Adams of Huguenot.

Call them the best of the Class 2015 when it comes to grades.
Here are the members of the Class of 2015 who recorded the highest GPAs for their high school since they started as ninth-graders in 2011.
By high school, they are:
Armstrong: Valedictorian Andre Charles, 4.47 GPA; salutatorian Mikquasha Wyatt.
Franklin Military: Valedictorian Cadet Lt. Mia Noel, 3.54 GPA; salutatorian Cadet Maj. Jade Lewis.
Huguenot: Valedictorian Erykah Adams, 4.39 GPA; salutatorian Rudy Li.
Thomas Jefferson: Co-valedictorians Syeda Haider, 4.8 GPA, and Annia Fountain, 4.8 GPA.
John Marshall: Valedictorian Kyhiem Banks, 4.3 GPA; salutatorian Randaisha Nikens.
Open High: Valedictorian Isabel Waters, 4.49 GPA; salutatorian Gillian Throckmorton.
Richmond Community: Valedictorian Lamar Greene, 4.91 GPA; salutatorian Jasmine Cousins.
George Wythe: Valedictorian Devin Evans, 4.24 GPA; salutatorian Yusef Jones.