Kickoff of mayor’s race //
Dr. Claude G. Perkins, president of Virginia Union University, shakes hands with moderator Robert Holsworth as he welcomes 12 Richmond mayoral candidates to a forum Wednesday night in the university’s Allix B. James Chapel. The candidates attending the event are, from left, Brad Froman, Rick Tatnall, Michelle Mosby, Lawrence Williams and Lillie Estes. To Dr. Perkins’ left are candidates Chris Hilbert, Joe Morrissey, Alan Schintzius, Bruce Tyler, Jon Baliles and Chad Ingold. Jack Berry, who announced his plans to run Tuesday, attended the forum but is not pictured. Forum host L. Douglas Wilder, a former Richmond mayor and governor, is seated behind the podium. A standing room only crowd of more than 600 people listened as the candidates made their debut in the contest for the city’s top post. Richmond voters will choose the mayor in the November general election.
- 11:27 p.m., 3/16/2025