

Pitching in for Flint //
Faith and civic groups, businesses and people across the Richmond region are pitching in to help the residents of Flint, Mich., whose public water has been poisoned with high levels of lead. Joining the effort, Fourth Baptist Church Pastor Emory Berry Jr., above left, and Hermon Jones load bottled water onto a truck Wednesday at the East End church to be trucked and distributed to Flint residents. Similar volunteer efforts are being conducted at several churches. Flint’s water crisis began when Michigan officials decided to temporarily switch Flint’s water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River in 2014 as a cost-saving measure. Since then, children and adults have been sickened by the water, with reports of rashes, hair loss and other illnesses.

Pitching in for Flint //
Faith and civic groups, businesses and people across the Richmond region are pitching in to help the residents of Flint, Mich., whose public water has been poisoned with high levels of lead. Joining the effort, Fourth Baptist Church Pastor Emory Berry Jr., above left, and Hermon Jones load bottled water onto a truck Wednesday at the East End church to be trucked and distributed to Flint residents. Similar volunteer efforts are being conducted at several churches. Flint’s water crisis began when Michigan officials decided to temporarily switch Flint’s water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River in 2014 as a cost-saving measure. Since then, children and adults have been sickened by the water, with reports of rashes, hair loss and other illnesses.