

Health disparities forum //
Dr. Pamela Hamilton-Stubbs, a physician who specializes in sleep disorders and chair of the Henrico Branch NAACP health committee, raises concerns about the decreasing number of African-American physicians and the treatment of patients during a health disparities forum Dec. 7 in Downtown. The forum, which drew nearly 100 people, was co-sponsored by the Richmond Free Press and U.S. biopharmaceutical companies.

Health disparities forum //
Dr. Pamela Hamilton-Stubbs, a physician who specializes in sleep disorders and chair of the Henrico Branch NAACP health committee, raises concerns about the decreasing number of African-American physicians and the treatment of patients during a health disparities forum Dec. 7 in Downtown. The forum, which drew nearly 100 people, was co-sponsored by the Richmond Free Press and U.S. biopharmaceutical companies.