

President Trump

President Trump

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Trump and the rise of hate groups

President Trump’s tepid initial comments about the civil disruption last weekend in Charlottesville, followed by his declaration Tuesday that the “alt-left” was as responsible for the violence, has stirred a hornet’s nest of exchanges from a wide range of religious, political and social figures with no end of the bitter rhetoric in sight.

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Trump in Virginia this weekend

President Trump will be in Virginia this weekend.

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Report forecasts millions would lose health insurance under Trumpcare

Fears that the Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, would wipe out health insurance for millions of mostly low-income people appear to be highly accurate.

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Trump’s leaked 2005 taxes show $153M in earnings

President Trump earned $153 million and paid $36.5 million in income taxes in 2005, paying a roughly 25 percent effective tax rate thanks to a tax he has since sought to eliminate, according to newly disclosed tax documents.