

New city-backed developments involving millions of dollars are beginning to take shape in the East End. Left, heavy machinery churns the ground at 1611 N. 31st St., site of the former Armstrong High School. The purpose: To prepare the site for development of 175 new apartments and 81 single-family homes. It is the first step in replacing the Creighton Court public housing community. A nonprofit, The Community Builders, is leading the project for the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority. Right, just six blocks west at Nine Mile Road, Fairmount Avenue and 25th Street, more heavy machinery is preparing the site for two four-story buildings. One building will provide space for Reynolds Community College’s $11.5 million culinary institute, a dozen apartments, a restaurant and offices. The second building is to include space for a modern grocery store and smaller retail shops and 42 apartments. Corporate leaders Steve and Kathy Merkel are spearheading the development that is expected to exceed $20 million. The revitalization of the area also includes new apartments on Venable Street and other smaller retail and residential developments across Church Hill.

New city-backed developments involving millions of dollars are beginning to take shape in the East End. Left, heavy machinery churns the ground at 1611 N. 31st St., site of the former Armstrong High School. The purpose: To prepare the site for development of 175 new apartments and 81 single-family homes. It is the first step in replacing the Creighton Court public housing community. A nonprofit, The Community Builders, is leading the project for the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority. Right, just six blocks west at Nine Mile Road, Fairmount Avenue and 25th Street, more heavy machinery is preparing the site for two four-story buildings. One building will provide space for Reynolds Community College’s $11.5 million culinary institute, a dozen apartments, a restaurant and offices. The second building is to include space for a modern grocery store and smaller retail shops and 42 apartments. Corporate leaders Steve and Kathy Merkel are spearheading the development that is expected to exceed $20 million. The revitalization of the area also includes new apartments on Venable Street and other smaller retail and residential developments across Church Hill.