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Remembering MLK
People in Richmond and across the nation pause to reflect on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the 50th anniversary of his death
On the day Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed 50 years ago, tens of thousands of people gathered at small and large events in Richmond and other cities on Wednesday to mourn his death, celebrate his life and rekindle his struggle for economic and social justice.

Area Black History Month events
History, art, culture and the triumphs of African-American people will mark area programs and celebrations during Black History Month
Richmond Boys Choir: 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 1, Children’s Museum of Richmond, 2626 W. Broad St. Performance by “Richmond’s Ambassadors of Song” kicks off Black History Month. Concert included in museum admission, $8 adults and children; free for members. Info: (804) 474-7063.

Richmond Symphony’s ‘Remembering 1968: A Tribute to MLK Jr.’ this weekend at Carpenter Theatre
Mayor Levar M. Stoney, social entrepreneur Kelli Lemon and radio talk show host Gary Flowers will be guest narrators this weekend at performances of “Remembering 1968: A Tribute to MLK Jr.” by the Richmond Symphony.